DominicanCentral allows businesses to advertise for free in various ways.
1. Add your business to the Business Directory - visit
2. Place a classified ad for your products or services. Please place no more than one commercial ad per month - visit
3. Write a blog (series or articles) all about your business - visit
Note: please do not post commercial messages on the message board.
We also have limited availability for you to place adverts on various pages, such as on the main front page. Please contact us for details on these options - visit
Statistics is the most active English language classifieds website in the Dominican Republic.
From its inception in February 2009, it has steadily grown in terms of visitors and now receives in excess of 400,000 hits per month and more than 9000 visits, with around 5000 unique visits. An average of 64,000 pages are served to the visitors each month.
Most of the visitors come from the United States, followed by the Dominican Republic, Canada, Russia, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany and various other countries.
Please contact us for advertising options.